Wednesday 18 August 2010

The Joys of Unemployment

Are there any?

Sure, you get a lot of free time. In fact you get about 24 hours per day of free time. That allows for a lot of flexibility. However, it's not all its cracked up to be. Sure, you can get up whenever you want, sleep whenever you want, do whatever you want but it sure does get boring.

Its almost been a month since I graduated and 3 months since I started looking for a full time job. Another day goes by and I hear nothing, my application lost in the wind for all I know, so I have to keep going. Over the last week I felt severely depressed, couldn't bring myself to get out of bed or ever apply for jobs as self esteem was at an all time low. The worst thing is is that I'm not alone in this. Thousands of people in my generation feel lost, don't know what to do and feel abandoned by potential employers. In this day who would want to hire a graduate when there are more experienced individuals out there. We are the Lost generation and we are very frustrated. Ask any graduate who is struggling to get employment and look for the signs of frustration and helplessness. Even though some may keep it hidden, it's there and it's slowly building up in pressure.